Sunday, 29 September 2013

Trying on Clothes

Is trying on clothes an equally terrible experience for everybody, or is it just me? On diet commercials, you see women in store change rooms, trying on clothes while they smile and spin around in the mirror. Well, I’ve been dieting for weeks and looking in the mirror and spinning around just makes me feel out of breath. I wish I was one of those girls who could walk into a store, buy anything without trying it on, and it would look great. I tried doing this once. I bought a one-size-only flowy striped top without trying it on; I figured I couldn’t go wrong. Well the first time I put it on, I realized there was nothing right about it. Seeing as one of my titties is a whole cup size larger than the other, the supposed-to-be horizontal strips were more of an awkward 45 degree diagonal pattern. Whatever cheap material it was made out of clung to my body, revealing every fat roll. It looked like a ham covered in a saran wrap. It was also one of those shirts that really show off your pit stains. Maybe I should spend more than five bucks on a sweater next time.

Anyways, back to the trying on of clothes. Everything about the process bothers me:


Okay, there are two types of lighting one may encounter in a changing room situation; brutally honest lighting or dirty trickery lighting. The brutally honest lighting makes me insta-sad. It is often fluorescent and reveals every cellulite divot, vein, rash, mole, hickey, bruise, hair, scratch, and stretch mark; and I’m just referring to my leg, I haven’t even gotten my shirt off yet and only myself and only a couple… dozen… handfuls…of men…and women…know what lurks under there. When I’m under that type of light I feel like my body is in one of those interrogation rooms on cop shows and its being questioned as to why it looks so bad…like a raw chicken or a dog’s shaved belly. Then you have the dirty trickery lighting; it’s dim and soft and highlights your positive features (or for those who don’t have any, it just makes you look less ugly). Under this light, I look at myself and think “wow, I don’t look half bad! I could almost pass as a lady. I could see myself leaving my house in this.” So, I buy it only to experience delayed disappointment. Once I get home and try it on, I realize it accents that third chin I’ve been working on, it accentuates that bat wing of an arm that delicately jiggles in the wind, and really draws attention to my back fat rolls that look like a pack of hot dogs.

The Employees

“Are you doing okay in there?”…No, I’m not okay. I am having a nervous breakdown because not even black can slim this ass down. Can you maybe grab me a dry cloth to dab the sweat and tears pouring from my face from the pressure of figuring out how to work these zippers, buttons, and Velcro on this contraption.

“Do you need a different size?” Yea, can you grab me size “maternity even though I’m not pregnant.”

It doesn’t matter how shitty you look, they’re going to tell you that you look fabulous; they work on commission. Most of the time I want to be like “ARE YOU FUCKING BLIND? Do you not see my nipples hanging about? Did you not catch the fact that my ass crack, muffin-top combo is NOT fitting inside these impossibly small jeans?”

“How did you do today!?”  says the size zero associate with her midriff sticking out. **Throws a 46 pound pile of reject clothes at her while keeping eye contact and a straight face while I walk away, without saying a word.

The Rooms

“You can only bring 6 articles of clothing in with you at a time!” Yea, not a problem I can barely fit my own fat-ass in there let alone 6 pieces of clothing. They are so damn small. I already feel panicked by claustrophobia but on top of that is the downright terrifying fear of someone accidently walking in on you while you have your head in a shirt, your tits flopped out and your gut exposed. The worst is a room with no mirror. Having to leave the “comfort” of the dressing room to look in the communal mirror is a terrible experience. You carefully peak through the crack of the door to make sure nobody is there to see you, in case what you’re trying on makes you look like a fat kid caught in a net. Of course, even if you spot nobody and quickly run to the mirror to take a quick peak, the associate comes running around the corner… “oh my goooshh…you look soo goo…” “NO.”

The Clothes

The clothes themselves these days are impossible to figure out. I wish they came with instructions. There is just so much damn leather, netting, buttons, straps, snaps, tassels, ties, bows, velour, elastic, and holes. Half the time I am probably putting that shit on wrong, which is why it probably never fits. On several occasions I’ve found myself getting stuck in clothing items and had to rip out of them, Hulk style. Just the other day, I tried on a dress and it was a little bit challenging getting it on, but I could not for the life of my get it off. Between my tits and my hips, there was nowhere for this dress to go. I began to panic and sweat, which I think acted as a lubricant which helped me eventually get it off.

Here is a picture of my stuck in that dress…