Wednesday, 31 August 2011



Howdy-ho! Today’s blog is coming to you live from my couch, where I haven’t moved from in hours. I went to the Zoo today with my friend Emily. Naturally, the pigs came flocking to us. I am assuming they recognize their own kind. The monkeys seemed less than impressed with us as they kept lunging towards us with terrifying faces and loud shrieks. I’m no monkey expert but I think they didn’t like us. There was a talking bird there but he wasn’t in the mood to socialize with me. Personally, I think I am a lovely conservationist, maybe they were shy. I came close to purchasing a pot bellied pig for 100 dollars. I felt it was a great price and he was so fricken cute. I think this will definitely be my next pet. Anyway, enjoy today’s blog!

Topic of the Day

Today’s topic is laughing.

It’s weird and sometimes entertaining when you can't stop laughing in situations when a laughing fit probably isn't appropriate. These situations can include: during someone’s speech or presentation, in class, at a funeral, during a silent part in the movie theater, church, sexy time (well, depending on what you are dealing with, laughing may be perfectly appropriate), graduations, when someone is crying, etc. I wonder if laughing in non-laughing situations is a mental thing or if it’s really just that funny. Sometimes our minds like to tempt us like that and we can't help but to do something we aren't supposed to in that moment.

I love laughing; it’s probably one of my favourite pastimes. I like when I laugh so hard that my abs get a terrific workout. I want laugh lines. I think they are a sexy mark of long time happiness. I always wonder why whoever created humans decided to build us to make random weird noises come out of us when something is funny. Like, when you really think of it, the act of laughing is weird. Imagine if we were built to blink really fast and twitch when something was funny, instead of making noises. I also always wonder what the percentage of laughs are forced and what percentage are natural. Realistically, if we hear things that are funny but not HILARIOUS we force out a voluntary laugh, even if we don't realize, because even though it is amusing the majority of funny things we hear aren't howling, eye-watering, ab-hurtingly funny where you can't help but laugh.

There are as many different sounding laughs as there are people on the planet. Most people even have two or three different laughs, depending on the severity of funnyness (I know this is not a word but I'm sure you understand me). Sometimes after I laugh at something I sound like a convulsing animal, I think to myself "what...was...that?"

Laughing is attractive. That is why in so many movies and TV shows when girls are trying to impress a guy they pretend to laugh at something funny. I am not suave enough to pull this off. I would end up choking on something. Also, due to my allergy to milk I sometimes snort when I laugh and as much as some people may think it’s cute, in reality it’s probably not. I also drool when I laugh too hard. I'm not sure why but my brother does it too so I'm going to blame it on heredity. Or in many movies you see slow motion scenes where a girl is laughing and throws her hair back while she does so, hopefully making viewers think "oh, she’s laughing in slow motion and her hair is swishing,  she must be a genuine, fun-loving character who everybody loves." 

Here are some types of laughs I've observed over my years:

1. The "Omg I Can't Breathe Laugh" : this laugh is either a genuine laugh that occurs when something is too hilarious to handle or is a fake, overdramatic laugh used by those who like attention. This laugh is commonly accompanied by watery eyes, dropping to the floor, drooling, etc. If this laugh were to be expressed on the computer, it would look something like this: AAAAHAHAHAHAHHAA OMGOMGOMGOMG HAHAHAHAHAA LMAOALMALOLAMOA.

2. The Pity Laugh: is a courteous laugh demonstrated by those who feel bad for others who have either just told a joke or a story that was meant to be funny, but in actuality was not.  Computer Version:  haha...

3. The Bitchy Fake Laugh : when I'm  in my T-Rex mode (Oh yeah, this is my new reference to my mood swings. When I am in bitch mood I tell people that I am in my T-Rex mode) I often demonstrate this laugh. It is used when someone says something that is offensive or annoying and you use a really bitchy fake laugh that is meant to be obviously bitchy.  Computer Version: hah.  or heeeent (say it sound loud, it makes sense)

4. Flirty Laugh: whether real or fake, it is designed to flirt with boys. Light, airy, girly, charming. Usually accompanied by hair flipping, putting your hand on the guys leg or chest, widening of the eyes, covering mouth with hand in order to seem classy. Common side effect : boy falls in love with you.

5. The Cry/Laugh: most common in drunk people and accompanied by the phrase "i dunno if I’m laughing or crying." This is when something sad happens that triggers crying, but a patient friend makes a joke to try and cheer you up so you have sort of a laughing/crying combination forming, which usually puts you in an even better mood before because you got out a good cry and experienced a nice laugh. Sort of like a rainbow; when rain and sun mix, something really beautiful happens.

Laughing is great and I highly recommend you do it 2-10 times a day=)


Much love for reading J Enjoy the picture of the day!

Chelsea <3

This is a very attractive photo of me. There isn't much of a story to go along with it, I just think it really captures my personality.

Tuesday, 30 August 2011

Weird Things My Cousin and I Do & Self-Talk


Good day! So today I went shopping with my lovely, newly engaged cousin to try on bridesmaid dresses! It was such a fun experience but left us torn between two dresses. Personally, I’m just ecstatic that I didn’t get stuck in any, rip any, or fart while wearing any of them. I always make fun of those girls on wedding shows who cry but I teared up when I saw my cousin in her wedding dress. She’s going to make a beauty of a bride and I’m so honoured to be the one standing next to her. =)

Out-dated Update

In honour of my cousin Alyssa becoming engaged and allowing my awkward, weird self not only attend her wedding but be a part of it, today’s out-dated update is: Weird Thing My Cousin and I Used To Do.
As children, Alyssa and I would display weird behaviours. Now, I wasn't the most social of children and I was and still am a little weird (at least I KNOW I am weird and I can admit it).  Anyway, my cousin Alyssa (who is one year younger then I am) was/is probably just as strange so it’s no wonder we did odd things as children together.

Club - So, we had a club. This club consisted of the following people: Me, Alyssa. That’s it. So I forget the name of this club but we had journals that were kept at my house and when Alyssa would visit (which would be about 1-2 times a week) we would write in these journals. We would write about our current crushes and what we wanted to do with them (pictures included). We were not shy to let each other know what was on our minds and our journal entries were sometimes quite graphic (keep in mind we were also like 10 and perverted).

Book Readings - as part of our club we would have weekly book readings. This would consist of sneaking into my Mom's room, retrieving her romance novels and reading them in my room while we laughed at the naughty parts.

Cussing - we would hang out at the park across the street from my house and make up excuses to say swear words because we thought we were cool. So we would go high up on the playground, drop our sunglasses or whatever off the top and say bad words.

Slide- we invented a game called "funny ways of going down the slide." The name pretty much speaks for itself. We would create cool ways to slide down a slide and name them, a terrific past-time that entertained us for hours.

Bathtub Routines - we loved to take baths together (I will not disclose how old we were when we stopped). So whenever Alyssa would come over, we would take a bath together and make up dance/singing routines to show our Dads. (we wore towels when we presented them).

Song-Writing – we would have weekend sleepovers at Alyssa’s house and listen to songs but change the words to make them about people we know. We’d do this for hours.

Gum – one time Alyssa ate gum off the sidewalk at my house and threw up.

Kegger – one time when we were in high school, I brought Alyssa to a kegger I was attending. We both ended up getting wasted. She threw up on my friend’s car and started crying. My parents obviously knew we were drunk and were pissed, which then upset me and I started throwing up and crying.

There are many, many more where this came from, but for the sake of getting a “WTF really?” reaction I will stop here.

Topic of the Day

The topic of the day today is Self-Talk.

Self-talk can be extremely encouraging or it can be diminishing. Nobody but you can talk you into or out of something. That voice inside your head, whether it be negative or positive is the number one influence in your life. I cannot even express the importance of self-talk in my life and how much it dominates. Self-talk has both helped me through very tough times and sometimes has made situations worse. I think we all have two voices inside our head, the confident one that says yes we can (superego) and the one that holds us back (id).

When I am in nerve-racking situations, I talk to myself (not out loud, well sometimes) and it helps immensely. I tell myself to keep my cool, what’s the worst that can happen, and I remind myself that being nervous is a good feeling and means that I am doing something of worth. I try to remember one of Olivia Joules Rules for Living from the book “Olivia Joules and the Overactive Imagination.” The rule I try to remember is “nothing is either as good or as bad as it seems.” Self-talk is a wonderful distraction from nerves. For example, I had a job interview for a marketing position while ago (SIDE NOTE: they decided not to hire anybody. Great.) and naturally, I was a little nervous. On the way there, I found an upbeat song on the radio and sang out loud. I acted just like I would if I were on my way to anywhere else. All the while I was telling myself "there is no reason to be overly nervous, you should be more excited that you were blessed with the opportunity to be interviewed, you are a genuine person and your answers will come naturally." This self-talk put me at ease and allowed me to be able to act nonchalant and seem rather confident. I rocked the interview.

I'm one of the many in the world that used to and still do occasionally suffer from panic attacks, even if nothing in particular brings them on. In these times, self-talk is crucial. Tell yourself, "I'm just having a panic attack. I've had them before and I've been fine 5 minutes later so I will be fine in a moment. Lots of people have panic attacks, it doesn't make me weird." Telling yourself that what's happening is not a big deal really helps you shake off the negativity and move on. There is a movie called “Charlie Bartlett” and it is about a guy in high school who is natural at helping people with their problems. He helps one of his buddies who suffered from panic attacks by telling him, “No one has ever died from a panic attack. Just tell yourself: in fifteen minutes I’ll probably be ok.”

Now, not all self-talk is positive. Sometimes we think negative thoughts on purpose and sometimes we can't help but think them. Negative self-talk is detrimental to our personal growth and can easily be stopped with positive thoughts, but it is easier said than done. If you find you are telling yourself things like "I can't do this" or "what is the point of this?" hopefully you are aware enough of what you are doing to reverse it and consciously replace negative thoughts with positive ones. There is no point in being negative toward yourself; people will not feel sorry for you and feeling sorry for yourself gets you nowhere!

You hopefully would never say negative things to a friend, so why would you say negative things about yourself? If there is something you don’t like about yourself, work towards a positive change instead of putting yourself down.


Welp, see ya later! Thank you again for reading! Enjoy the picture of the day!

Love, Chelsea oxxx

This is a picture of me sharing a passionate moment with a goat. I have a picture frame with the words "You and I" on it and I've recently replaced a picture of me and my ex-boyfriend who I refer to as Lord Voldemort with this photo. It really brightened up my room.

Thursday, 25 August 2011

Random Things I Think & Bikini Bash


So tonight I am writing you from my living room couch. I currently can smell a terrible smell. I have narrowed it down to a few possible sources : my dogs breath, my feet, my sweater after sitting in my brother's smelly car, my unwashed hair, this spot on the couch where my dog usually sleeps. Who knows.  Anyway, I just got back from the Tecumseh Corn Fest, where I scored some free corn on the cob which is only one of my FAV things. Uh, score!

Random Things I Think

-The cure for Cancer is probably something really simple. It’s probably something like take a shot of vinegar and hold your breath for 10 seconds. I am a strong believer in irony. Society as a whole doesn't know how to look at something in a simple way anymore. We are too preoccupied with over-thinking about every little thing that the answers to some of life's hardest decisions are right in front of us.

-Dementia and related diseases and disorders are mainly caused by boredom, not heredity or old age. Keeping busy is the only way to stay sane. Dementia is most common in older people because they are retired and don't know what to do with themselves, not because their minds are old and tired.

-I always root for the underdog. Being an underdog in many situations myself, I love seeing the unexpected triumph.

-There is not only one person out there for each person (soul mates). And if there is, I bet 99% of couples are with the wrong person then because what are the odds you find that ONE person out of all the people on the planet? Each person leads you down a different path. All have ups and downs but all are different. Choose which person leads you down the most appealing path and be with them. For example, if you have two men who love you and want to be with you (one is rich but sort of dull and one is not well off but sooo unpredictable in a good way), picture how your life would be with each one. Most likely both paths would be wonderful but choose one and live it.

-After-life spirits are real and there are living people who can communicate with them. I don't think people can necessarily see spirits but they can feel their presence and energies.

-Zellers is disgusting, especially the one at Devonshire Mall. I mean, do they even have cleaning staff? That place is so gross that it actually makes me physically mad. There is ALWAYS garbage and litter consuming the shelves and floor. The shelves are NEVER organized and stuff is just thrown everywhere.

-Some people like to say "i don’t want anything for my birthday, really!" and get angry when nobody gets them anything. However, I actually do mean it. I hate birthday presents because I feel awkward when opening them in front of the people who gave them to me and then it only means that I have to get them something for their birthday of equal or more value. I'd much, much MUCH rather just have people spend time with me by going to dinner or hanging out on my birthday and if they insist on getting me something, I actually do LOVE homemade stuff.

-I don't like expensive jewellery. I don't just say this because I don't want people to spend money on me but I actually genuinely find expensive jewellery to be ugly and dull. I like gaudy jewellery that is unique and has pizazz. I would seriously rather have a 5 dollar necklace from  Ardene then something from a People’s or Ben Moss. Tiffany’s on the other hand…

-I believe in lying. Let me clarify. I believe in lying when it can't result in hurting somebody and instead makes someone feel good. For example, if somebody worked really hard on cooking a meal for me and I didn’t like it, I would pretend that I do like it. I know most people appreciate an honest person but sometimes I find honesty unnecessary and rude in cases like these. I am a very honest person when need be.

-I don't have a set style when it comes to clothes. I don't buy things because they are "in style." I buy things that I like and if what I like happens to be in style then that is a bonus. I like a lot of different types of clothing derived from different styles and origins and I don't hesitate to buy something I think is cool, even if the people I may be shopping with hate it. You should have seen some of my outfits I used to wear in public. Looking back, I even have to admit that some of them were brutal but at the time I thought they were cool so who cares. I like wearing things that make me feel good. I don't wear things to impress people (only sometimes) and I can't help if what I like impresses people sometimes. lol

-People are, straight, bisexual, transgendered, etc. (I sound like Lady Gaga). I don't care what your story is, we are all people and we all face the same struggles, hobbies, likes, daily encounters, etc. Just as people are people, love is love, no matter which gender or age you love. If you want to experiment, I think that’s rad and all the power to you. I would never judge someone for their sexual orientation or their history. Good for you guys. If you’re gay and I dislike you, it’s because you hurt me or I find it hard to respect you as a person, not because you are gay.

-Romance is dying at an alarming rate. What ever happened to courting a lady? Seriously, I know I sound old fashioned but gimme a break. If you sit down with an older couple and listen to their romantic history, it’s astounding and the gestures some of the men pulled off to land their woman are incredibly respectable and unheard of today. I’m not blaming this all on men, us girls are terrible too. For many girls, their idea of romancing is buying them a drink at the bar and they give everything up. I'm a realist but I don't think romantic gestures are too out of this world to ask for. I've been lucky with encountering some really romantic gestures in my life, but I will save those stories for another blog. NOW, on the other hand, I am the type of person who finds romance awkward and unnecessary unless things are serious. Normally, thinking about romantic things happening to me makes me cringe for some reason but when I meet a person who I am head-over-belly button for, then I love it

-I find it incredibly awkward when animals watch me doing sexy things with someone and it’s also awkward when dogs watch you go to the bathroom or change your clothes.

-I hate when someone has the power to make me smile and giggle like a school girl when they text me, even if it just says "hey."

-Tooting in front of your partner = true love. I will stand by this forever.

-There is no better feeling in the world then the high on life feeling. I imagine this is what doing ecstasy feels like. Some things that make me feel high on life are: achieving things on my list of things to do before I die, rocking a presentation or speech, landing a job, sitting on the edge of the Grand Canyon.

 Out-dated Update

Today I share a tale of great triumph and courage. I shall tell you about, Bikini Bash.

Ah, Bikini Bash. I do not know where to begin with this. I was in grade 12 at the time and I was starting to gain a little popularity (I credit this to my rack that wouldn't stop growing). I thought of nothing but parties and who I was going to get to buy me my next mickey of Malibu rum.
              One weekend, my parents had a party to attend out in Essex and somewhere I got the ridiculous notion to throw a party at my house. My house is SMALL AS HECK. You can’t get any smaller than my house. It is ONE floor. No upstairs, no basement, and it’s not one of those giant houses that is one floor but is separated into wings. No,
Anyway, so I decided to throw a party at my house while my parents were out and it’s not even as if they were out for the entire night, they were just out to a party...not even a sleepover party! This party also had a theme, BIKINI BASH. All the girls throwing the party would be in bikinis. This included myself and all my close friends. How conceited is that?
So, because all my friends would have to come over and help set up for the party, I told my parents that I was having a "girls poker night." HAHAHAH. Girls poker night? We were in grade 12, not 12 hundred years old. I mean, if my parents believed that then that is their fault. However, they did believe me and even got out the poker set for me lol. As soon as they left, us girls got into our bikinis and frantically hid the important furniture and locked my dog in my parent's room. I’m so sorry Casey:(

So, the party was well under way and there ended up being like 70-80 people, IN MY TINY HOUSE!!! Girls were making out with each other while guys cheered them on, people were dancing, there were drinks being drunk and hookahs being smoked. People were loving it and I was loving that they were loving it!

Of course some things have to go wrong, it's only natural in my world. Someone drew a diagram of the male genitalia along with the words "Penis Ahoy" on my Mom's cutting board in permanent marker, someone threw up on my carpet and someone ended up vacuuming it, spreading the puke smell throughout the house, and I didn't know but my Dad's bike was thrown over the fence. And, my parents had called to say they were on their way home. We FRANTICALLY kicked everyone out by screaming out "PAREEEENTS." This seemed to clear the majority of the guests. I owe a big thank you to my bestie Colin for helping me get these people out. We QUICKLY threw off our bathing suits and put on our pjs, threw the cutting board and other garbage into a garbage bag. I can't remember exactly what we did with that garbage bag but I think I either threw it in the neighbour’s pile of garbage or gave it to a friend to take home. I couldn't leave that sort of evidence laying around. We made up a story, "Chelsea won the first game of poker then Aleksa won every game after that! It was a fun and relaxing night! (big fake smile)" As I laid down to go to sleep I felt a BIG SENSE OF ACCOMPLISHMENT! I was so amazingly proud of myself, until I got caught...

Naturally, my Dad was curious as to why his bike was over the fence and my Mom wondered where her cutting board disappeared to. They smelled the puke smell and my neighbour said there was quite the commotion at my house that night...and the the time my mother and I both worked at the same grocery store, along with another young lad who was at my party Welp, somehow Mom found out from him. Busted.

All in all, so worth it:) Great memories. I actually just right now told my Mom what actually happened to her cutting board and we shared a laugh (well more like I laughed and she shook her head).


I love you for reading!!! One day I will be a paid blogger and you will be cool for having subscribed to my first blog. :)  Enjoy the picture of the day!

Here is a picture of me and my friends at Bikini Bash!

Tuesday, 23 August 2011

Rules for Living, Try This! & Death


Hi readers! Well as of right now until I start promoting my blog, my mother is my only reader, so hi Mom! Today I am writing you from my big comfy chair which I havn't moved from in approximatly 12 hours. Enjoy today's blog and of course, leave comments!

Latest Book I Read

So I’m not sure where my rediscovery for love of books came from but I’ve recently signed up for a library card and have been walking up to the local library a couple of times a week. Not only did I discover the magic of renting free movies, but I’ve actually starting doing this thing people call reading.
            Bridget Jones’ Diary is my all-time favourite movie so I thought I should read the book. Well, with my luck the library didn’t have it so I took out a book by the same author titles “Olivia Joules and the Overactive Imagination.” The overactive imagination part really spoke to me. Long story short, it was about an English female journalist who is charming and goofy just like Bridget Jones. She finds herself in quite serious and dangerous situations but somehow manages to escape them using her wit and personality.
            Anyway, in the book the main character, Olivia lists her Rules for Living and I have to say, I quite agree with them as they are very clever. Olivia quickly became one of my newest book heroines. Here are her Rules for Living:

1.     Never panic. Stop. Breathe. Think.
2.     No one is thinking about you. They’re thinking about themselves, just like you.
3.     Never change haircut or colour before an important event.
4.     Nothing is either as bad or as good as it seems.
5.     Do as you would be done by, e.g., thou shalt not kill.
6.     It is better to buy one expensive thing that you really like than several cheap ones that you only quite like.
7.     Hardly anything matters: if you get upset, ask yourself, “Does it really matter?”
8.     The key to success lies in how you pick yourself up from failure.
9.     Be honest and kind.
10.  Only buy clothes that make you feel like doing a small dance.
11.  Trust your instincts, not your overactive imagination.
12.  When overwhelmed by disaster, check it it’s really a disaster by doing the following: (a) think, “Oh fuck it,” (b) look on the bright side, and if that doesn’t work, look on the funny side. If neither of the above works then maybe it is a disaster so turn to items 1 and 4.
13.  Don’t expect the world to be safe or life to be fair.
14.  Sometimes you just have to go with the flow.

Try This

Today’s Try This! Is one of my most favourite snacks! A dear friend I met in my travels out West made it for breakfast one day and I’ve been hooked ever since. This snack is called The Erin. You will need:

-a skinny baguette
-an avocado
-olive oil
-mayonnaise (Hellmans, none of this fake Miracle Whip crap)


  1.  Cut the baguette into .5-1 inch pieces
  2. Brush olive oil onto each piece
  3. Spread mayonnaise onto each piece
  4. Put slices on avocado on top of each piece
  5. Put slices of tomato on top of each piece (optional: I do not always put on tomatoes)
  6. Add salt and pepper for seasoning
  7. EAT!

Topic of the Day!

The topic of the day is death and my thoughts on it.

I feel that death is a part of life. It is inevitable, but even though we know it’s coming to both us and our loved ones, we never seem to be prepared to deal when it happens. I've been fortunate enough not to have many major losses in my life thus far, so many of my opinions may be considered to be of the "easier said than done" nature.

Yeah, death sucks. It is crappy losing a loved one, especially if it is unexpected or at a young age but the mere fact goes on. The living shouldn't severely alter their lives or shut down forever after a death. Experiencing a death is not the be all end all, it is just a part of life's journey and our journeys continue even after other people's phase of their journey on earth come to an end. Obviously it is important to honour the life of a passed loved one and never forget their impact and achievements but to look back on them with sadness and grief is probably not what they would have wanted anyway.

I find it odd how there are so many things we are able to say to a person once they are gone that we couldn't tell them when they were alive. I'm sorry but I can't stand when people say "I wish I had told you this when you were alive.” Then why didn't you!?!?! If we know that everyone dies eventually, why wouldn't you just say what is on your mind? There is no worse regret than that because, well, it can't be fixed. I used to be a shy, overly reserved person who wouldn’t dare tell my crush I had feelings for him! Throughout my growing up and changing, I’ve become a very open person who sees no point in holding back. Many people may find this annoying or overly bold but I see myself as a brave person who is confident and not afraid to try for what she wants. I take a look at my Aunt, who recently lost her husband at a young age. It breaks my heart having to see such a giving, kind person who deserves nothing but positive things in her life have to live without her soul mate. I’m sure she would give ANYTHING just to spend one more minute with him. I also look at couples who fight CONSTANTLY and downright are not meant to be together, yet they waste their time bickering over the most meaningless topics. Meanwhile, there are stupid (yes, stupid. Blunt, but true) people out there who are too “scared” to tell someone how they truly feel about them. That’s why I don’t have time or patience for games like that. Don’t tell me you love me then never call me. Grow some balls.

I definitely believe in an after-life. Although I am a realist, who says after-life can't be real? What convinced me the most was the one time I was watching Dr. Phil there was a guest who was legally dead for several minutes as she was in a car crash or some type of accident. She had explained that while she was dead, she had been standing over her own body, screaming and watching the paramedics trying to revive her.  I think when you are faced with death, you have a choice of whether or not you want to stay and fight or move on to the next life. I think that the next life option probably looks very attractive and only the very strong people who truly believe their time on earth isn't up and they still have a purpose decide to stay and fight. When my time comes, I hope I can look back on my life with a smile and feel satisfied that I accomplished all or most of what I set out to do, and I feel confident that it is time for me to move on. Personally, I am scared of my loved ones dying but when it comes to myself, I am more curious of what happens than I am scared.

I do find that in a lot of cases, death can shine a light on positive things as it brings people closer together, it allows those affected to really appreciate their life, it allows those affected to prove their strength. I don't think death is a thing to fear as we are not alone in it, it happens to all of us.


Thank you for reading! As always, I appreciate you taking the time to listen to what I have to say because that is 10 minutes of your life you will never get back <3 Enjoy the picture of the day!

This is the summer after Grade 11. I tried cutting my bangs myself. My boyfriend broke up with my a couple days after, I wonder why. Please, enjoy a nice laugh.

Friday, 19 August 2011

Try This! & Embarassing Things We Do but Don't Admit


Hello. Welp, it’s Saturday morning and I have an extremely long day of work ahead of me. I’m trying to think of it in a positive way: money, keep busy, money, hot male customers, money. One thing I rather do enjoy about working is that I get to hang out in the giant freezer while I watch people sweating outside. Anywho, enjoy today’s blog!

Try This!

Trying things we’ve never experienced before, whether good or bad, is the only thing that makes us grow as people. It keeps our minds sharp, our hearts healthy, and our memories fond. Living in Windsor, I know it is hard to find something new to do. May I make a recommendation? Check out websites of local community centres and see what kind of programs they have going on. I just signed up for two blogging classes coming up in the near future! Hopefully I can learn how to better entertain you via blog lol. Through trying new things, you never know who you will meet. Also, you could end up discovering a new hobby. Check out this site Windsorites :

Topic of the Day

Today’s topic is embarrassing and/or awkward things we all do but don’t admit. FYI: I’ve done all of these things.

-Ladies, it’s okay to admit that we only shave our legs when there is potential of getting action that day and/or night. Any other time, we don't give a crap.

-We all scratch our no-no parts through our pants pockets from time to time. It is a discreet way to get that itch in public.

-We all have let out a silent fart in front of a group of people and in order to remove the blame from ourselves have said "ew, who farted?" but we all know the you smelled it you dealt it rule.

-We all pretend to stretch or scratch our back in order to smell our armpits to see if we are currently rocking any foul body odour.

-We've all been in a situation where we are about to make out or fool around with someone and we throw our gum somewhere without our partner noticing, whether it be behind the couch, under the pillow, etc. Swallowing it is too dangerous in case you choke.

-We've all snooped through people's medicine cabinets when in a party host’s washroom.

-Ladies, we've all experiences third degree razor burn in the bikini area and have tried to cover it up using bathing suit shorts or make-up.

-We've all sweated so much that we acquire pit stains and have dried them out under the hand dryer in the public washroom. (I did this every day at lunch hour in highschool).

-We've all put someone else's mail or pay check up to the light to try and read it.

-We've all written down our first name with our crush's last name, sometimes with Dr. in front. Wishful thinkers.  

-We've all played with the dentist tools while waiting in the dentist chair for the dental assistant to return.

-We've all shared an ice cream cone or popsicle with our cat or dog

-We've all drank vodka out of a water bottle.

-We've all been at a bar and have found an abandoned drink on a table and took it to save money

-We've all tried creeping who our bf or gf was texting by looking over their shoulder

-Girls, we've all stuffed our heels with tissues because the only size left was too big and they were just too damn cute to not buy

-We've all tried smoking the devils lettuce using a pop can

-We've all wore un-matching socks because we were too lazy to find the matching ones

-We've all glances at the person's test who is sitting next to us

-We've all found a baby to be downright ugly but lied and said it was adorable

-We've all sent a dirty picture or video to somebody

-We've all eaten mac n cheese or something from the pot so we could save dishes

-We've all touched ourselves in the tanning booth. I mean, nobody can expect you to just stand or lay there for that long…boooriiing.

-We've all quoted Jersey Shore

-We've all been the sober one at the bar and cashed out big because you are sober enough to notice all the dropped money on the floor

-We've all went to the washroom and not washed our hands because we were in a hurry or figured it would be more sanitary in some public washrooms not to wash them.

-Girls, please don't kid anyone or yourself, we've all made "awkward noises" while making love...

-We've all picked up something with our toes because we were too lazy to bend over

-We've all kissed our pillows and hands for practice when we were young.

-We all do the dance test when we try on clothes in the dressing room .We dance around to see what falls out where

-We all have that pair of shoes that stink bad enough to choke a maggot but we keep them because we looove them

-We've all had the toilet paper rip while cleaning our bottoms, getting residue on our hands. I know its gross but it’s true, admit it.

-We've all dedicated one night's outfit to somebody. Meaning, we've all dressed up to impress one person before, whether it be a crush or an idol

-We've all flossed our teeth with our hair when we don't have real floss around

-We've all picked our nose and eaten it

-We've all told somebody their outfit is cute when it should of been burned

-We've all talked our way out of paying cover at a bar

-We've all walked with a wiggle to try and undo our wedgies

-We've all picked our belly buttons and smelled our finger

-We all have drunken the last of the milk or juice and put it back in the fridge

-We all have borrowed a piece of clothing from someone and sprayed it with our perfume or cologne then gave it back

-We all have searched dirty words on Google Images

-We all have peed in the shower

-Ladies, we've all had those days where we are too lazy to put on a bra when we go out shopping.

-We've all sprayed our underpants with cologne or perfume so that area smells nice

-We've all bitten our toe nails

-We've all been in a situation where someone is telling a long story you don't care about and every couple minutes you say "that’s crazy" or "that’s so funny" so they think you are listening.

-We all say "lol" when we have nothing else to say, even if it’s not funny and you are not laughing out loud

-We've all gone through a drive thru, sat in the parking lot and ate, then went inside because we want more food but are too embarrassed to go through the drive thru again.

-We've all taken a picture of someone we don't like and put their head on a nasty looking body then laughed at it.

-We've all tried to name everyone we've made out with, most of us failing to remember the complete list

-We've all said some embarrassing things while making love

-We've all lied and said we were at the gym for longer than we actually were

-We've all had sweaty make outs on the dance floor and not remember the next day

-We've all brought our own booze to a bar and add it to a pop

-Girls, we've all shaved our arms at one point

-We've all tooted while at a store and quickly switched aisles so the blame couldn't be put on us

Pretty please share any more you can think of in the comments area below! I’d love to hear J


Thank you again for reading. I appreciate it more than you could understand. Since I was in high school and had my parents edit my creative writing class stories, I love people reading what I write. Enjoy the picture of the day bloggies!

Love, Chelsea  ox

This is my Grade 9 yearbook pic. I wore this headband made of pantyhose everyday because I had a cowlick in the fornt of my head.

Childhood Plays & Living for the Moment


Ello lovelies! Gorgeous day out today, and I'm inside bloggin. Lol. Love it though! Can't wait to juice up my blog with some good posts and start getting it out there! Don't forget to comment below. I love listening to other opinions, especially opinions about my opinions! Enjoy today's blog, it's a deep one.

Out-dated Update

Childhood Plays.

When I was younger my best friends included my cousin Stefani, my cousin Jourdy, and my brother Brett. We spent the majority of our free time creating plays (brilliant ones might I add) to perform for our parents. We made produced many numbers including Wizard of Oz, a Christmas Variety Show, and our final performance, Spice World. Now, Stefani was the oldest and always got the lead role. There weren’t even try-outs! I think the casting call was rigged. Lol. Anyway, for our annual Christmas play one year, we were all performing Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer (the version with the extra back-up singers) and we were using props. Now, at the part where it says "they wouldn't let poor Rudolph play in any reindeer games" I was to say "LIKE MONOPOLY" and hold up the board game Monopoly. However, during dress rehearsal we used checkers instead of Monopoly so during the big performance (and by big I mean, HUGE...the audience was over 5 people this year) I accidently said "LIKE CHECKERS" and held up the Monopoly game, I screwed up. I had ONE LITTLE LINE AND I MESSED IT UP. I was so embarrassed. How could I show my face in the next act? I didn't even have an understudy to take my place...horrible. At the time this was a huge deal. What if this mistake hindered me from getting a good part next year? Oh my, the shame, the shame.
       I felt bad for my brother. He was the only guy so naturally he had to play all the male parts. He was a one man show, very impressive and well-deserving of credit. When it came time to cast for Spice World we had no choice but to cast him as a female. He played the Asian woman who was pregnant and he put on a stunning performance. Bravo.
    We were in the middle of planning our next number, It Takes Two (the movie with the Olsen Twins) when we started growing up and apart. We originally casted our other 2 cousins Alyssa and Dustin in the play so it was going to be a good one what with the extra cast members and such, but it never happened. Tragic.

Topic of the Day

Living for the moment.

Now, I am still a little unclear as to what "living in the moment" means exactly. Does it mean to do as you feel without thinking of consequences? Does it mean to only focus on what is happening at the current moment? Nobody knows so I have mixed opinions about living in the moment, but I have mixed opinions about everything.

I am a big fan of appreciating what is in front of you and letting something really soak in to your memory, for example, when I sat on edge of the Grand Canyon. At first I was focusing more on not having back fat in the picture that was being taken of me rather than appreciating what I was doing and what I was looking at. Lol. When something THAT amazing is happening to you, it’s important to just clear your mind, take it in and try to capture it in a way that you will always remember. Whether it be staring at the Grand Canyon or a nice hand-holding session with your crush. Important moments need to be embraced and just accepted for what it is instead of wondering "why is this happening?”, "How long with this last for?", "What is going to happen next?" Now, I am the kind of girl who feels awkward in romantic situations and I prefer a man who doesn’t show emotion very often (because when he does it is extra special) and I don’t often feel this strongly about a person but when I was with the last person I dated and we were in bed (sleeping, not the sexy kind) I would sometimes look at him (only for like 30 seconds TOPS, I swear) and feel how lucky I was just to be there let alone to have him be mine and I didn't think about things like "how much longer can this happiness really last?" or "why on earth does he like me?" Now, I warned you about the lame-ness but I am only trying to stress my point about my topic of the day. (SIDE NOTE: this was written before I found out he is a complete ASSHOLE). I find it is super important to emphasize the nice moments you spend with the ones you love by clearing your mind to make room to truly appreciate them. You don't have to be doing something extreme or life-changing to appreciate a moment in time.

I am also a big fan of spontaneity. I really appreciate a person who can do something without having a plan. I love out of the ordinary, out of nowhere moments. Sometimes I need a little convincing depending on the circumstances but I just really, really appreciate a surprise or a last minute decision. I feel this is connected to "living in the moment." Going with the flow when confronted with last minute decisions or something out of the ordinary is so important, otherwise you could be missing out on a wonderful experience. If you need to THINK about consequences or reasons not to do it, then it’s probably not a good reason. Don't waste your time, just do it! (Nike, you make a point.)

Forget the past and worry about the future when it gets here. Holding on to past memories that aren’t very warm and comforting is a waste of time, energy, and sanity. Stop living in the past and make up for it by setting yourself free of those memories by focusing on what you have become. Also, thinking about the future is important, yes. Having a plan is wise and needed in most people's cases. However, WORRYING about the future is also a waste of time. Worrying about bad things that may occur will only drive you nuts. Worry about those things AS THEY OCCUR, when it is time to worry about those things. For example, I have a big interview coming up and yes, I am going to be nervous for it. However, why would I want to spend the week leading up to it with my tummy with nerves about it? When the day comes, I will be nervous and that it fine, that is when I am SUPPOSED to be nervous. For now, I will focus my energy on preparing for this instead of how I will deal with my nerves.

Now, what if the moment is crappy? Do you still live in the moment? Sometimes we are faced with not-so-great moments, whether it be a severe and life changing moment or just one where you're bored out of your mind. I feel that sometimes it is important to look forward to the future. If you are going through a tough time, it is important to look forward to the light at the end of the shit storm (you thought I was going to say Sometimes this is the only thing getting us through, knowing that it can't be this bad forever, and good things will happen in time. An example (not a deep or emotional one but an example none the less) is for the past couple of weeks/months I've been strapped for cash and haven’t been having much of a social life, which kind of put me into a depression. However, I know that I can't and won't allow myself to stay like this forever and I WILL eventually get my break and find a job where I can make some real cash to go out and enjoy myself.


Thanks for reading all! Again, comments MUCH appreciated! Also, if there are any topics you would like to see me dicuss, I'd LOVE suggestions! As per usual, enjoy the picture of the day!

This is one of my finer walks of shame after a night of partying. I walked through the entire Whistler Village looking like this.

Thursday, 18 August 2011

Pool Hopping & Shots


Hey all! So today I recieved my GST cheque for $66 dollars in the mail. Nothing is more exciting than recieving one of these glorious cheques. Free, unexpected money sitting in your mailbox is simply devine! My cheque went to a very good cause, my birth control for the next 3 months. This is a great cause because Lord knows the world can't handle a bunch of children raised by me.

Out-dated Update

Today I will tell you a story of bravery and stupidity...

I like attention. This is not a new development nor is it news to people who know me. When I was in high school I was probably more of an attention craver than I am now. One night, a group of us decided to walk around the town and drink mickeys of Spiced Rum. (Please do not judge, I am a very different person now. I drink 26ers now, jk, not really but I have matured GREATLY) So we were in a park and I was feeling "under the weather" (aka drunk) and I decided it would be hilarious to climb the fence and jump into the public pool. So I took off my shoes and climbed the fence like a spider monkey, and I will have you know, I am nowhere close to being an athletic person, so it probably resembled a sea lion trying to escape a net. Once I was over the fence, I jumped into the pool fully clothed. Someone told me the cops were on the way so I quickly climbed back over the fence, spraining my arm or something because it hurt…a lot. I learned a lot of important lessons from this night: 1. Drink in houses or bars, not parks.   2. It’s always nice to have a spare change of clothes handy   3. Sometimes attention-getting plans worked because I ended up kissing my crush that night…it was in the alley of a funeral home, but a kiss is still a kiss. (Me=classiest lady ever).

Topic of the Day

Today's topic is Shots.

Everyone has a love-hate relationship with shots. Those tiny glasses of liquid can do wonders; they can bring enemies together, they can seal a deal, they can pay tribute to a friend. They are taken in many different ways, in many different shapes of glasses/cups/random objects, and come in many different flavors.

Pros and Cons of Shots
Pros: gets you more drunk in faster way, makes you look brave, brings people together, you don't have to carry them around, shot glasses are cute, less calories than a drink, etc.

Cons: expensive, potential for gagging/throwing up, most need a chaser so that has to be purchased on the side, end result may be head in toilet or worse

Kinds of Shots
The Dedicated Shot

 Many purchase shots in order to dedicate it to somebody or to celebrate something important. I like when someone buys a round of celebratory shots and everyone is standing in a circle, holding their shots while someone gives a really long (usually drunken and awkward) speech and you just know everyone is thinking "please hurry this up so I can just take this darn shot."  I find it awkward when people go to cheers their shots, especially if it is a large group because usually about 10-30% of the shot is spilled in the cheers-ing efforts. I do enjoy a good dedication shot however, it makes me feel as if I am included in something great and worthy of drinking something disgusting.

Bomb Shots

Personally, I think bombs are the most disgusting thing...EVER. I despise energy drinks and I hate Jager. I know I sound super uncool right now but those are the facts. Now, most of the times when I am out and somebody offers to purchase me a shot I let them choose what we are going to do. I think…hmm, maybe 95% of the time they choose a bomb of some sort. I hate being that person who is like...oooh nooo, ANNYYYTHING but thaaat waaah (whiney). So I suck it up. Some of the times I can get away with having it as a drink and sip it slowly, but usually the person doing the shot with me expects it to go down in one swift motion and I can't let this person down. I hate every second of it and the few seconds afterwards. (usually there is a gag or two but I try my best to hide it). For me, the after effects of bombs are usually intense.

The Bonding Shot

I am almost positive that most of the greatest friendships of all time started over a shot; Laverne and Shirley, Starsky and Hutch, Turner and Hooch, Milo and name it. I find that when you are (for lack of better terms) wasted, you tend to subconsciously pick a person for that night and bond with them. I'm not sure if you get what I'm talking about but I've seen/done it. Maybe you are dance partners for the night, maybe you are making up after a fight, or maybe you just feel like really loving that person tonight. Whatever the reason may be, you always end up doing shots with this person and saying things like "oh my gawd...I’ve seriously always thought you were sooo pretty, seriously", "you know what? We are way better than the rest of our friends...seriousssssssslllyyyyyyyy", "I'm sorry I made out with your ex-boyfriend...but whatever he’s lame anyway" or something along those lines. 
    I've noticed in Windsor, in girl world, there is still drama and beefs. I feel like if you just went up to the person you aren't really feelin' and say "hey, let me buy you a shot" then EVERYTHING will be cleared up, no matter the severity of the disagreement. I believe in the power of the shot.

The Song Shots, Shots, Shots...etc.
The song Shots by LMFAO. Now, I wonder, when this song comes on in the bar does it actually increase shot sales? I mean, the song is pretty persuasive. I wonder if there are people who go to a bar, buy a lot of shots, wait for this song to come on and then take them all during the song's chorus. Personally, if I’m on the d-floor when this number comes on I mimic as if I were double fisting shots, it seems to be the unofficial dance move for this song so I figure I’m playing it safe with that.

What are your favourite shots? Favourite flavours? Favourite reason for taking them? Comment below!


Welp, we've reached the end of yet another blog. I hope you enjoyed my thoughts and as always, enjoy the picture of the day =)

Love, Chelsea xo

This is me (no I was not a boy at one time) enjoying cake. Not exactly sure what age this is, but does it matter?

Tuesday, 16 August 2011

Things I Find Funny & Parking Lots


           So today I lived a life of luxury on a part-time, minimum wage job budget. I went on a miniature shopping spree…at Giant Tiger, where I bought a beautiful pleather jacket and 3 pack of non-returnable underwear that are too small and don’t cover my butt crack. I don’t care what anyone says, Giant Tiger is awesome. There is NOTHING uncool about saving money.
            I then relaxed while tanning and reading a lovely book. However, I do not have a pool so I strategically placed a towel on my lawn, away from any landmines (dog poop) and sprawled out there. Instead of staring at a glistening lake or a refreshing pool, I was swatting an ant or a fly off of me literally every 5 seconds.
            Then I had a feast, a hot dog feast. Mom made wieners with every topping imaginable, including chilli. See, you don’t need a lot of money to live a swanky life.

A Little Bit More About Me

Here are some things I find funny and/or amusing:

-Professional Couples Photos...HAHAHA…especially couples who PAY to get them done. *secretly wishes I had somebody to take some with*
-Sea lions. Hands down, I feel high when I see them. They make me so happy. I think it’s probably because they remind me of my overweight dog. I like how perfectly content they are with doing nothing but laying in the sun for hours.
-Toots.I actually sincerely apologize for finding toots so funny. Growing up, I was always praised for a good, healthy sounding toot. So, the fact that I find them funny is not my fault, I was brought up to think this.
-The Subway commercial with the heavy-set people. (the bikini top snapping, the hammock breaking, etc. Youtube it.)
-When my dog lays on her back. Her ears flap back and her teeth stick out. Its pathetically hilarious.
-The shows Married with Children, Golden Girls, and Modern Family. These are the only shows that actually make me laugh out loud.
-Last Easter dinner when my Aunt dropped the dessert cake on the floor.
-When people get food stuck in between their 2 front teeth. I wonder which percentage of people will let someone know when they have something stuck in their teeth. Personally, I find it awkward to point it out to someone.
-Couples with matching shirts
-Thinking about the time my cousin got sweaty armpits at the mall so she had to buy a new shirt. The cheapest one we could find said "Quit following me you physco"
-The time Erica and I dressed up like the band “Stereos”
-The Channing Show on Youtube (the episode when the closet door falls on her)

Topic of The Day

Parking Lots!

     Now, I am guilty of doing this too so I'm not judging, this is just an observation. Why are we so desperate to find the closest parking spot possible to the building we need to enter? I mean, most parking lots aren't SOOO big that parking at the back would result in running a marathon in order to get inside the store. In most cases, parking at the very back would only be a 1 minute walking time difference compared to a spot at the very front. Yet, we would rather wait for someone to do a 27-point turn in order to get out of a tight spot RIGHT in front than park in the spot two spaces over. We could all use the extra exercise anyway.
   Also, is it just me or is a parking space where you can pull through not THE BEST. It requires no backing out when it’s time to leave. I feel like I strike gold when I find one of these spots (especially if it’s right in front lol). I feel so pressured when I'm backing out of a parking lot spot when someone is waiting to pull in. I especially hate when someone is waiting for your spot and they pull up SO CLOSE that it’s nearly impossible to get out. Next time this happens to me I'm going to make it super inconvenient for them and back up a half an inch, then forward half an inch, then backward, then forward, and on and on, so it takes 45 minutes to pull out of my spot.
    One time I went to Penalty Box with my dear friend Amanda. That is the WORST parking lot ever invented. I parked in a spot that was physically impossible to get out of because there were cars on either side/in front of me and the building was a couple feet behind me. It literally seemed impossible...but what was I going to do? I was about 10 minutes into the process of trying to pull out of this darned parking lot and at this point had reversed and pulled forward at least 309439043 times when a nice lady noticed my struggle. At first she laughed at me (I was not blaming her because I was dying with laughter as well) and then she pulled the what I call  “car-wash-man moves” and stood there using hand signals telling me when to stop, when to pull forward, and when to back up. It was slightly embarrassing but I was thankful.
            Conclusion: stop wasting gas on looking for the perfect parking space and just take the first one you see.


Welp, thanks for reading lovelys! Please enjoy the picture of the day below!



This from some years back, when I was on a retreat for the Student Representative Council. We stopped at a truck stop and I couldn't find my shoes so I wore one stripper heel and one furry boot. (Please Note: I do not actually smoke, I just wanted to try and make this picture appear as unclassy as could be)

Monday, 15 August 2011

Hangover Horseback Riding & Positivity


Hi. I do not feel well today. (grumpy face). Last night was one of those nights that are heroic and admirable, when I was in grade nine. Long story short, I drank too much, slept on my bathroom floor and had a one night stand with my toilet. This morning I found out my brother had a similar drinking experience last night as well and was comforted by the sweet embrace of our toilet only hours before me. Even my toilet is a player; last night it got more action than (insert your neighbourhood floozy’s name here). Our parents were really proud. Anyway, this doesn’t happen often and I promise the rest of this blog post will have more substance.

Try This!

Do you like getting high? Getting high is one of my favourite past times. My drug of choice is not a drug at all, I like getting high on life. The best and easiest way to do so is by demonstrating a good deed or a random act of kindness. It can be anything from the simple act of holding open a door for someone to donating time or talents to a charity. A couple months ago, two amazing young friends of mine and me baked a batch of cupcakes and brought them to the local women and children shelter for those who encountered dangerous relationships. The feedback and appreciation we received was heart-warming. I was high for days!

Out-dated Update

“Out-dated Update” is a segment where I tell you an entertaining story from my past.

Today I’ve decided to tell the tale of three girls living in Whistler, BC (myself, and my two roommates Laura and Kaya) who decided to book a horseback riding excursion for the morning after a huge rager (Rager: a wild party, usually involving a lot of liquor and most likely extends into the wee hours of the morning). Long story short: hangover + horseback riding = awful, my horse has gas, I accidently signed up for an intermediate class without ever touching a horse, etc. In order to deliver my story in a more thourough and entertaining way, I’ve decided to create my own rendition of “The Night Before Christmas…”

Twas the night before horseback riding, when all through the house
Not a person was sober, jamming to "Dead Mouse"
The drinks were poured into plastic cups with care
In hopes that we wouldn't fall off, dancing on the chair
With the giant pepper grinder, we were bitchin'   (inside joke)
While visions of people danced in the kitchen
It's 7am and we call it a wrap
To settle in for a pre-horseback nap
When from my phone arose such a sound
I sprang from the couch, making my head pound
Away to the clock I flew like a flash
We need to go, but we feel like trash
To the sun on the breast of new fallen leaves
Hurt my eyes and gave me hangover dry heaves
When what to my wondering eyes should appear
I felt sick just looking at beer
Even though we were unlively and slow
We knew we had to go
More rapid than eagles, we threw on our clothes
And out the door, man this blows
Now, Chelsea! Now, Kaya! Now, Laura! Come on!
On foot! We run! Made it! Thank God!
From the top of our heads, to the bottom of our shins
Now dash away, dash away, dash away drunk spins
As dry leaves that before the wild hurricane fly
We honestly felt like we were gonna die
So out to the valley the driver took thee
With a van full of horseback experts...and me
And then, in a twinkling, I felt sick
But I held it in cuz I'm a tough chick
We finally arrived and the horse lady said
"this is an advanced class" great, I'm dead
I'd never ridden on a horse before
But stayed instead of running out the door
The horse was hairy from his head to his hooves
I liked the way his lips moves
A brown leather saddle was flung on his back
His horseshoes went click clack, click clack
His eyes--how they twinkled! His main how hairy!
His name was Dandy and he wasn't so scary.
His droll little mouth was done up like a bow
He had gas and was ready to blow
The core of an apple he held tight in his teeth
His toot smell circled his head like a wreath
I sat upon him and my hangover belly
would jiggle when he walked, like a bowl full of jelly
He was chubby and plump, a right jolly old horse
And I laughed when he tooted, but mine were worse
A wink of his eye and a twist of his head
Soon gave me to know I had nothing to dread
He neighed not a neigh but went straight to the trail
And to think, I was gonna bail
Giving the reign a quick snap
We were running fast, oh crap
I sprang up, ouch my ass
And away we flew through the grass
But I heard the leader exclaim as we ran out of sight

Topic of the Day


I can come across as a pessimistic person sometimes. I'm not sure why and I know it can be annoying at times.  I think it is because I feel I may come across cocky if I am overly positive about good things happening for me. I am also somewhat of a realist and many of my friends are as well and I sometimes feel that being positive may come across as delusional. However, I think I am going to start taking more of a conscious effort to be a positive person. Deep down I know that positivity goes a long way; it provides hope for not only myself but others around me, it makes everything seem a little brighter even in dark times. It shows faith and good character.. If you believe hard enough that everything will fall into place and happen on its own time, then it will...and if it doesn't, then at least people can say "wow, she is a strong woman, she is always in good spirits, even in the worst of times. She deserves greatness."
   If everything in our lives went according to plan, then we would never have the opportunity to show our strength and our positivity when we need to turn to Plan B. Sure, it is easy to be positive when everything you want comes easy but it is in those uncomfortable times of turmoil, the unknown, grief, etc. when expressing positivity counts the most as it tests our limits and just how much crap we can take. I admire those who can take an unfortunate situation and look at and express the positives, while still being aware of the negatives. With positivity come other attractive qualities including confidence, self-esteem, and self-worth.
            Some people are naturally positive, while others need to work a little harder to consciously take a negative situation and put a positive spin on it. Personally, I’m bipolar when it comes to my mood, my thoughts, my opinions, etc. No matter what the situation, I always see both sides and have mixed opinions. So for me, sometimes being a positive person comes as naturally as breathing and sometimes it comes as naturally as breathing during an asthma attack. I try to keep in mind that positivity acts as both the best weapon against those who try to bring you down and the best remedy for the effects it causes upon you. When something straight up crappy happens, it’s okay to feel sorry for yourself for a while, but don’t waste too much time replaying it in your head. Think about how you can grow as a person from it and take advantage of it by treating yourself to new experiences to distract you from the negatives. =)


Well folks, please feel free to leave comments on my posts. Tell me if you like my opinions, if you agree, if you hate them, or if you have any additional comments. I’d really appreciate the feedback! Thanks for reading! Also, enjoy the picture of the day below!



This is my best friend, Casey McCloy wearing a Hooters shirt.