Monday, 15 August 2011

Hangover Horseback Riding & Positivity


Hi. I do not feel well today. (grumpy face). Last night was one of those nights that are heroic and admirable, when I was in grade nine. Long story short, I drank too much, slept on my bathroom floor and had a one night stand with my toilet. This morning I found out my brother had a similar drinking experience last night as well and was comforted by the sweet embrace of our toilet only hours before me. Even my toilet is a player; last night it got more action than (insert your neighbourhood floozy’s name here). Our parents were really proud. Anyway, this doesn’t happen often and I promise the rest of this blog post will have more substance.

Try This!

Do you like getting high? Getting high is one of my favourite past times. My drug of choice is not a drug at all, I like getting high on life. The best and easiest way to do so is by demonstrating a good deed or a random act of kindness. It can be anything from the simple act of holding open a door for someone to donating time or talents to a charity. A couple months ago, two amazing young friends of mine and me baked a batch of cupcakes and brought them to the local women and children shelter for those who encountered dangerous relationships. The feedback and appreciation we received was heart-warming. I was high for days!

Out-dated Update

“Out-dated Update” is a segment where I tell you an entertaining story from my past.

Today I’ve decided to tell the tale of three girls living in Whistler, BC (myself, and my two roommates Laura and Kaya) who decided to book a horseback riding excursion for the morning after a huge rager (Rager: a wild party, usually involving a lot of liquor and most likely extends into the wee hours of the morning). Long story short: hangover + horseback riding = awful, my horse has gas, I accidently signed up for an intermediate class without ever touching a horse, etc. In order to deliver my story in a more thourough and entertaining way, I’ve decided to create my own rendition of “The Night Before Christmas…”

Twas the night before horseback riding, when all through the house
Not a person was sober, jamming to "Dead Mouse"
The drinks were poured into plastic cups with care
In hopes that we wouldn't fall off, dancing on the chair
With the giant pepper grinder, we were bitchin'   (inside joke)
While visions of people danced in the kitchen
It's 7am and we call it a wrap
To settle in for a pre-horseback nap
When from my phone arose such a sound
I sprang from the couch, making my head pound
Away to the clock I flew like a flash
We need to go, but we feel like trash
To the sun on the breast of new fallen leaves
Hurt my eyes and gave me hangover dry heaves
When what to my wondering eyes should appear
I felt sick just looking at beer
Even though we were unlively and slow
We knew we had to go
More rapid than eagles, we threw on our clothes
And out the door, man this blows
Now, Chelsea! Now, Kaya! Now, Laura! Come on!
On foot! We run! Made it! Thank God!
From the top of our heads, to the bottom of our shins
Now dash away, dash away, dash away drunk spins
As dry leaves that before the wild hurricane fly
We honestly felt like we were gonna die
So out to the valley the driver took thee
With a van full of horseback experts...and me
And then, in a twinkling, I felt sick
But I held it in cuz I'm a tough chick
We finally arrived and the horse lady said
"this is an advanced class" great, I'm dead
I'd never ridden on a horse before
But stayed instead of running out the door
The horse was hairy from his head to his hooves
I liked the way his lips moves
A brown leather saddle was flung on his back
His horseshoes went click clack, click clack
His eyes--how they twinkled! His main how hairy!
His name was Dandy and he wasn't so scary.
His droll little mouth was done up like a bow
He had gas and was ready to blow
The core of an apple he held tight in his teeth
His toot smell circled his head like a wreath
I sat upon him and my hangover belly
would jiggle when he walked, like a bowl full of jelly
He was chubby and plump, a right jolly old horse
And I laughed when he tooted, but mine were worse
A wink of his eye and a twist of his head
Soon gave me to know I had nothing to dread
He neighed not a neigh but went straight to the trail
And to think, I was gonna bail
Giving the reign a quick snap
We were running fast, oh crap
I sprang up, ouch my ass
And away we flew through the grass
But I heard the leader exclaim as we ran out of sight

Topic of the Day


I can come across as a pessimistic person sometimes. I'm not sure why and I know it can be annoying at times.  I think it is because I feel I may come across cocky if I am overly positive about good things happening for me. I am also somewhat of a realist and many of my friends are as well and I sometimes feel that being positive may come across as delusional. However, I think I am going to start taking more of a conscious effort to be a positive person. Deep down I know that positivity goes a long way; it provides hope for not only myself but others around me, it makes everything seem a little brighter even in dark times. It shows faith and good character.. If you believe hard enough that everything will fall into place and happen on its own time, then it will...and if it doesn't, then at least people can say "wow, she is a strong woman, she is always in good spirits, even in the worst of times. She deserves greatness."
   If everything in our lives went according to plan, then we would never have the opportunity to show our strength and our positivity when we need to turn to Plan B. Sure, it is easy to be positive when everything you want comes easy but it is in those uncomfortable times of turmoil, the unknown, grief, etc. when expressing positivity counts the most as it tests our limits and just how much crap we can take. I admire those who can take an unfortunate situation and look at and express the positives, while still being aware of the negatives. With positivity come other attractive qualities including confidence, self-esteem, and self-worth.
            Some people are naturally positive, while others need to work a little harder to consciously take a negative situation and put a positive spin on it. Personally, I’m bipolar when it comes to my mood, my thoughts, my opinions, etc. No matter what the situation, I always see both sides and have mixed opinions. So for me, sometimes being a positive person comes as naturally as breathing and sometimes it comes as naturally as breathing during an asthma attack. I try to keep in mind that positivity acts as both the best weapon against those who try to bring you down and the best remedy for the effects it causes upon you. When something straight up crappy happens, it’s okay to feel sorry for yourself for a while, but don’t waste too much time replaying it in your head. Think about how you can grow as a person from it and take advantage of it by treating yourself to new experiences to distract you from the negatives. =)


Well folks, please feel free to leave comments on my posts. Tell me if you like my opinions, if you agree, if you hate them, or if you have any additional comments. I’d really appreciate the feedback! Thanks for reading! Also, enjoy the picture of the day below!



This is my best friend, Casey McCloy wearing a Hooters shirt.

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